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Choose a memorable name that clearly describes your project's purpose.
Provide a clear and concise description of what your project does and its key features.
Choose the category that best fits your project to help others discover it.
Explain how others can benefit from your project and potential real-world applications.
or drag and drop
Upload a compelling screenshot that showcases your project's main features. Max size 5MB.
The URL to your project on where others can view and fork your code.
If your project has a live demo or website, share it here.
Link to a blog post or thread where you documented your build process.
Your name as you'd like it to appear on your project submission.
Your email for project-related communications (not publicly displayed).
Share a brief bio to help others learn about you and your work.
Link to your social profile (Twitter, GitHub, Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, YouTube, LinkedIn, Mastodon, or Medium) where others can follow your work.
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